Full-year-report 2022: Strong performance despite a challening world

The market made an about-face in 2022 and the financial markets recoiled upon higher inflation, rising interest rates and runaway energy prices. For Carnegie, the new conditions primarily involved adapting the business to the prevailing market situation and the changing needs of our clients.

Carnegie is entrenching its leading market position by taking new market shares and delivering strong performance from a historical perspective.

  • Operating income amounted to SEK 3,898 million (5,887), a decrease of 34 percent in relation to the record-setting year of 2021.
  • Profit before tax decreased by 67 percent to SEK 652 million (1,994).
  • Assets under management at year-end amounted to SEK 298 billion, as compared to SEK 412 billion last year.  
  • Income in Investment Banking & Securities amounted to SEK 2,380 million (4,228).
  • Income in Private Banking amounted to SEK 880 million (1, 000) and assets under management to SEK 179 billion (271).
  • Income in Asset Management amounted to SEK 580 million (671) and assets under management to SEK 119 billion (141).

Björn Jansson, CEO Carnegie

Full-year report 2022

All financial reports